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A New Endeavor

I do most of my best thinking at night.  I don't know why, but after midnight, my mind takes off with all kinds of thoughts and ideas!  My job keeps me up until 4am on a regular basis so I have LOTS of thinking time and I need a place to release all these things that accumulate in my head.  What better place to share those thoughts, ideas, recipes, crafts, and pictures of family and friends than on a blog!?

I have to give credit for the title, "Midnights with Molly," to one of my best friends, Lindsey.  She has a super-creative mind and has a knack for naming things.  In college, we brainstormed names for our children while sitting through a junior year nursing lecture.  (I might even still have the notebook that we wrote them in!)  She also had suggestions for me when I adopted my first kitten after college.  So when I thought I might try my hand at blogging, of course, I asked Lindsey for suggestions for a blog name.  Within a few hours, I had an e-mail waiting for me with 6 suggestions for names.  So thank you, Lindsey, for naming my blog.  :)

Stay tuned for what I hope will be fun and interesting posts about life, scrapbooking, and family!
