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Number 3

3)  Go swimming.

My gracious cousins have been so generous in allowing me to swim in their pool a few times this summer (on some of the few afternoons when it wasn't raining...)!  I had a blast playing monkey-in-the-middle with them and just lounging on a raft catchin' up on life.  SO much fun!  :)  I also got to go to the pool with Ruthie and Luke a few weekends ago where they spent a solid hour jumping into the pool and being lifted out of the pool by Tammy and I.  Boy were our arms ever sore after that day!! Unfortunately, though I've had a ton of fun splashing around this summer, I failed to take ANY pictures!!  Oops!  However, I DID take a picture of this HUGE swimming pool in Pensacola, Florida!  :)  I had the privilege of swimming here for over a week back in May...beautiful beach and gorgeous weather!!
