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Showing posts from October, 2013

An Addition to the Office

Today was a BEAUTIFUL fall day in Ohio and I was delighted to get to spend a few hours of it in Amish Country!  The drive was gorgeous as all the trees have turned and the hills of Holmes County are now layered in shades of red, yellow, brown, and green.  If I hadn't been driving, I would've snapped a few pictures to document the beauty of fall. Instead, I kept my eyes on the road and avoided several Amish buggies and a few folks on bikes and arrived safely home with this new addition to my office... My bookshelf has arrived!!  :)  It's beautiful and just begging me to fill it up with books from top to bottom!  I hope to do just that the next time I have a few hours that aren't spent at work or with my nose in a book learning about health policy and politics.  :/  So...maybe by Christmas...  :)

The List

Okay, so I think it's safe to say that summer is officially over.  Though the sunshine and warm afternoon temperatures are lingering, the world starts going dark around 6:30pm and I can almost see my breath in the bedroom when I wake up in the morning.  Since summer has vanished, I figured I better post the remaining items on my "Summer Bucket List."  A few of these were done in some way shape or form, but weren't quite worthy of a whole blog post.  Others just didn't get going to a drive-in movie.  (And that was NOT due to a lack of time to make the trip, but rather due to the fact that there are very few movies that were playing this summer that I was even remotely interested in viewing.)  :) 1)  Take a bike ride once a week. :  I DID ride my bike several times this summer and even got to load it up on my brand new bike rack that Dad installed on my Jeep and took it to a bike trail one Sunday afternoon.  Lots of fun and defi...