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Christmas 2013

Another Christmas has come and gone...why does it always go so fast?!?!?  I was grateful to be off this Christmas so I could enjoy the day with my family.  I kicked off the morning with my parents and a delicious pan of caramel french toast!  YUM!!!  Then, the rest of the family arrived and we enjoyed a feast of food before diving into all the presents that were under the tree.  The kids were lots of fun to watch as the opened all their are a few snapshots of the chaos fun... Cooper being his usual ornery self Lily Ann and her Mama Lily Ann and Ruthie opening presents Cooper is really getting into this present thing! Lily got a barbie! Luke was so funny...he opened one gift and then played with it for 30 minutes before returning to open another... I think he was saying, "Oh WOW!" in response to a toy that made noises...and then he would grab his cheeks in disbelief!  :)  It was hilarious! Cooper like...
Recent posts

Snuggle Time

I took Sophie on a REALLY long walk this afternoon and completely wore her out.  She is lying next to me on the couch snoozing away as I blog and look at lots of interesting things on Pinterest.  She can be a real sweetheart when she wants to be.  However, it took several hours of biting, jumping, peeing on the kitchen floor, and tug of war to get her into this state.  ;)  It's so cute how she has to be touching my arm at all times, even though I'm typing.  It doesn't seem to bother her too much... Lily Ann celebrated her 6th birthday last weekend...I can't believe it!!!  She is growing up so fast!  We had a dolphin-themed birthday party at Grandma's house on Saturday!  Lily got lots of birthday presents and even had a dolphin cake.  (Way to go Teri and Al!!!  Looks awesome!)  Here are a few pics of the celebration!!


School and work finally caught up with me...I have neglected to update the blog for almost a month because I've been busy studying all about politics and nursing!  (Who knew the government could be so interesting?!?)  Not to mention working 4 evenings a week and trying to squeeze in time for the family in between!  Makes for a pretty hectic schedule!  So why not add one more thing, right?!? Introducing... SOPHIE!!!!! My little baby goldendoodle has arrived!  She will be 9 weeks old tomorrow and she is one cute little ball of puppy fur!!  :)  She has a sweet personality and loves to chew on ANYTHING that's lying around (i.e. my shoes, the rugs, the legs of the table, my hands, blue jeans).  We're gonna have to work on what's appropriate to chew and what needs to be left alone.  She hasn't grasped the concept of potty training at all yet, but hopefully soon?!  We've made lots of trips outside in the rain already...and I'm so glad ...

An Addition to the Office

Today was a BEAUTIFUL fall day in Ohio and I was delighted to get to spend a few hours of it in Amish Country!  The drive was gorgeous as all the trees have turned and the hills of Holmes County are now layered in shades of red, yellow, brown, and green.  If I hadn't been driving, I would've snapped a few pictures to document the beauty of fall. Instead, I kept my eyes on the road and avoided several Amish buggies and a few folks on bikes and arrived safely home with this new addition to my office... My bookshelf has arrived!!  :)  It's beautiful and just begging me to fill it up with books from top to bottom!  I hope to do just that the next time I have a few hours that aren't spent at work or with my nose in a book learning about health policy and politics.  :/  So...maybe by Christmas...  :)

The List

Okay, so I think it's safe to say that summer is officially over.  Though the sunshine and warm afternoon temperatures are lingering, the world starts going dark around 6:30pm and I can almost see my breath in the bedroom when I wake up in the morning.  Since summer has vanished, I figured I better post the remaining items on my "Summer Bucket List."  A few of these were done in some way shape or form, but weren't quite worthy of a whole blog post.  Others just didn't get going to a drive-in movie.  (And that was NOT due to a lack of time to make the trip, but rather due to the fact that there are very few movies that were playing this summer that I was even remotely interested in viewing.)  :) 1)  Take a bike ride once a week. :  I DID ride my bike several times this summer and even got to load it up on my brand new bike rack that Dad installed on my Jeep and took it to a bike trail one Sunday afternoon.  Lots of fun and defi...

Number 19

19) Re-decorate a room in my house. This project has taken the better part of the last three weeks, but I think it's been worth it.  It started out with a simple paint job.  I figured I'd just throw some paint on the walls and paint the ugly wood trim white and be done with it. As with any home improvement project, what started as a simple paint job ended as a complete overhaul of the whole room.  Here's what the room started out looking like:    First and foremost, the trim needed painted.  I just dislike the yellow-ish looking trim that is all through my house.  It looks so 1970.  And I'm eager to bring my house into the year 2013.  :)  So... Step 1.  Paint yellow-ish trim bright white. Step 2:  Paint accent wall dark grey. Step 3:  Paint remaining 3 walls light grey. Step 4:  Scrape old paint off of closet walls an...

Number 9

9)  Go to the city and do some shopping at an outdoor shopping center. A month or so ago, I drove to Dayton, Ohio to meet up with two of the best friends in the world!  It was a quick trip, but jam-packed with lots of girl-talk, shopping, and yummy treats!  On the way home from this trip, I felt the "call of the mall" and I gave in.  I stopped off at a beautiful outdoor shopping center in Dayton called "The Greene."  Oh.  My.  Goodness.  I could've shopped for two whole days there!!  I only had about an hour, so I limited myself to a store called " Charming Charlie " that I LOVE looking through.  They have just about ANY style and color of jewelry you could ever possibly want.  I had lots of fun dreaming of all the fun jewelry that I would have loved to have purchase, but I was a good girl and left it all in the store.  ;)