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Showing posts from December, 2013

Snuggle Time

I took Sophie on a REALLY long walk this afternoon and completely wore her out.  She is lying next to me on the couch snoozing away as I blog and look at lots of interesting things on Pinterest.  She can be a real sweetheart when she wants to be.  However, it took several hours of biting, jumping, peeing on the kitchen floor, and tug of war to get her into this state.  ;)  It's so cute how she has to be touching my arm at all times, even though I'm typing.  It doesn't seem to bother her too much... Lily Ann celebrated her 6th birthday last weekend...I can't believe it!!!  She is growing up so fast!  We had a dolphin-themed birthday party at Grandma's house on Saturday!  Lily got lots of birthday presents and even had a dolphin cake.  (Way to go Teri and Al!!!  Looks awesome!)  Here are a few pics of the celebration!!